Theories of International Relations Mr Nhlanhla Moyo|St Augustine College of South Africa

1 Weeks


If you seek to understand, analyse and explain the local, regional, and finally "global" issues of today, this course is for you...

This course focuses on ideas about, and explanations of, international relations, concentrating mainly (but not exclusively) on introductions to the major theoretical approaches in the academic study of international relations since 1945. The key theories and approaches to be examined include realism and neo-realism; theories about war, security and the use of force in international relations; classical liberalism, globalization, and transformation in world politics; theories about inter-state cooperation and transnationalism; the concept of international society; constructivism and the impact of law and norms in international relations; neo-Marxist and critical theory approaches to international relations; and normative theory and international ethics. The course seeks to provide not only an overview of the key theoretical debates but also a ‘toolkit’ of concepts that students can use to analyse international relations. Throughout the course, an emphasis will be placed on the need to marry empirical analysis and normative reflection in the study of international relations. In order to add specific content to the theoretical structure, a ‘real world’ example has been chosen for reflection in the final week (The trade War between China and the USA), where the theories can be assessed as they are applied.


  • The International System and it's Actors

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